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If you want to keep up with upcoming e-learning events and social happenings check out the new
If you want to keep up with upcoming e-learning events and social happenings check out the new
We’ve been using Apple’s Keynote as our wireframing design tool since Apple shipped Keynote. It has several key features that continues to make my job easy in providing total flexibility in being part of the solution rather than trying to work thru the tool. I’ve found a tweet on a presentation by Travis Issacs @tbisaacs. I have not had the opportunity to meet or see him present but by viewing his presentation I’ve learned several new techniques to enhance the power of Keynote.
We’ve been using primarily Flash 7 and then 9 for delivery of video over the past few years. Flash was simply the simplest way to deliver content to the largest audience. One main factor, was the processor speed of the computer that was playing the content back. if older, slower cpus were the primary audience you wanted to use the older compression format, named Spark, in order to guarantee good quality playback.
If you have a Mac, iPad or iPhone with Keynote installed, here’s a great wireframe toolkit from You can purchase them for $12 and get setup within minutes to start designing your next web or learning project. You can also use them in Powerpoint if you are stuck on a pc 😉
Geoff Teehan/ developed these great photoshop templates for wireframing and designing your next app. Follow @teehanlax for the latest on their blog.
New to HTML5, checkout these great sites and resources:
TED talk by Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles”, something we all need to be aware of and think about how to address. As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy. Read the online community Q&A with Eli (featuring 10 ways to turn off the filter bubble):
Highly recommend watching this video. Richard did an amazing job on style, pacing and content! is going into a public beta and it looks to be a great way to instantly setup a site to collect and raise funds for your event, dreams and causes. Check it out at The site charges $9 per month and does not take any additional fees per donation. The site utilizes the PayPal API for transactions. Learn more at:
Design 2.0 in eLearning
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Join us for an in-depth look at the current state of Social Media and how it can integrate with your e-learning and training efforts. Learn how you can take advantage of it for learning as well as marketing, business and life. We’ll discuss what Social Media is, how to use it effectively, how it is changing our lives, what it takes to get started. Topics will include Launching a Social Network, a look at the latest tools and how they are evolving for Twitter, Facebook, and social media based web sites.
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Taking the next step in learning: Using Games & Simulations
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Looking for a powerful way to use twitter and learning, check out #lrnchat. A place for people interested in the topic of learning, to learn from one another and discuss how to help other people learn. The online chat happens every Thursday night 8:30-10pm EST / 5:30-7pm PST.
Q0 (our #lrnchat warmup): How???ve you been? What have you been learning?
Q1: Why aren???t ppl using social media & twitter-like tools in training? What myths do they have? Excuses they use? Legit reasons????Addition: My hope with Q1 is to hear both reasons why not using, and how you reply.
Q2 from @kasey428: Have you used (or seen used) social media to push out training reinforcement as follow-up to ILT or elearning?
Q3 inspired by @ichrisbarnes: Do we know of any places SoMe is bad (for learning, in training, for edu)?
Watch Nancy’s Duarte’s webinar for for an overview and her advice on improving presentations and designing presentations. Nancy’s company designed and coached Al Gore and his presentation deck for An Inconvenient Truth.…
During the webinar she show’s an example (below), where she asked the client in under 2 minutes to explain what was the main point. Notice below how the slide gets divided into 3 clean slides which each slide is able to explain one exact point.
Many trillions of elements, continually growing through a large number of feeds.
No. It comes from Wolfram|Alpha’s internal knowledge base. Some of the data in that knowledge base is derived from official public or private websites, but most of it is from more systematic primary sources.
Many different sources, combined and curated by the Wolfram|Alpha team. At the bottom of each relevant results page there’s a “Source information” button, which provides background sources and references.
Most of the data in Wolfram|Alpha is derived by computations, often based on multiple sources. A list of background sources and references is available via the “Source information” button at the bottom of relevant Wolfram|Alpha results pages.
In concept, perhaps Leibniz’s characteristica universalis from the late 1600s???or the science-fiction computers of the 1960s. Technologically, many pieces of Wolfram|Alpha have precursors, but the ambitious scope of the whole project is believed to be unique.
Attached you can download a copy of the Social Media Demystified for E-Learning presentation that was presented this afternoon. There are several great links in the presentation and I would love to learn more about how you might use the new tools and technologies. Please share your thoughts and experiences so we can all learn and grow from the community. If you were part of the webinar today, thanks for joining us.
As I mentioned in the webinar, the conference, is one of my favorites. The attendees and presenters to a great job of sharing and discussing the latest tools and technology and I always come back ready to build the next generation of tools. Hope to see you there and please introduce yourself if we don’t tweet before. I’ll be presenting 3 sessions at the conference: Design 09 with Web 2.0, Introduction to Games & Simulations and Quick Prototyping Techniques.
Don’t forget to join the online community to start discussing sessions you are interested, questions you might have, or ideas that might inspire us!
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