Instant Podcasting & Publishing with an iPhone and AudioBoo #Macworld2010 #iPhone

After wrapping up my Social Media Demystified user session at #Macworld2010, an attendee approached me and asked if I would be interested in doing a podcast about the topic for educators. I said, sure give me a call anytime and I would be happy to do it. The gentleman’s name was Allan Carrington and he has a podcast series and blog called Between the Buttons

He pulled out his iPhone and launched AudioBoo and said let’s do it now. Having heard of the AudioBoo service but not seeing it in person I was blown away with how simple it was. He simply hit the  record button and we started discussing the topic. 


After we wrapped Allan hit another button and asked if we can take a photo, he used the built in camera and snapped a image. He used PhotoGene to quickly crop and color correct the image and then selected it in AudioBoo. He type in a quick description, add some tags and then hit a button which transferred the data to the AudioBoo servers and made it available from his blog. It took 13 minutes to conduct the interview, 2 minutes to snap the image and add the meta data and then another minute to upload to the service and it was available to the word. I was blown away with how simple it was and the quality using simply an iPhone. Amazing! 

Learn more about the apps:


Social Media Demystified Presentation