#IDIODC CrowdCast on Virtual Training Tips and Tricks With Karen Hyder

Got a chance to listen to Karen Hyder on the #IDIODC CrowdCast. Karen has facilitated and assisted in developing The Learning Guilds online conferences and sessions. I’ve been lucky enough to have been coached by Karen over the years and appreciate all the tips, feedback, and guidance she has provided.
She shared the following tips:
- Prior to the event, align with your participants and provide a list of expectations and have them commit to participating, focusing and interacting with you (the facilitator)
- Think about a timed block and build in breaks if you need a longer session.
- Everyone should be off mute, use video when necessary but not always needed. Think about your use case and what makes sense. Recommend at the opening.
- As a general guideline, try to get participants involved every 2-3 minutes.
- In the beginning, have them share a little about themselves, prefers this idea where people can share via chat vs using the time to go around the room in traditional training classrooms.
- Prior to starting, play slides, rotating that provide best practices, how to solve issues, and upcoming things to remember.
- Think about providing reading, video, or additional delivery of content prior to the interactive session so that everyone can take advantage of the LIVE time.
- Have a backup plan, PLAN B, from a second internet connection (you can use your MiFi or phone) with a backup computer and headset to minimize disruptions or delays in your session.
- Think about how you can educate and motivate your audience to make a difference.

Listen to all the DomainKnow #IDIODC casts hosted by Brent Schlenker and Chris Van Wingerden. They do a new cast every Tuesday for 30 minutes.
Learn more about Karen on KarenHyder.com.