Getting to meet Steve Wozniak at The Wharton Web Conference

Wow, last summer I had the opportunity to attend The Wharton Web Conference which featured Steve Wozniak in a Q&A Keynote. I also had a special opportunity, thanks to Wharton and Tim Allen to have dinner the Woz.

Steve and I

Growing up on Apple, this was an amazing experience. During his keynote, Steve talked about Apple, Google, open vs closed systems, education and shared his thoughts on several technology trends. One story that stuck with me, was how he had less than a week to create the first disk drive for the Apple II right before a conference. He created the first gen version which then went into production and provided a way for us to save less than 1mb of data onto a portable media.


After dinner, he signed the groups phone or anything you had with you. I went with the iPhone 4, which was my phone at the time. A couple of the guests had him sign an Android device, which I expected to explode (haha).


Looking forward to going again this week, a great event if you can attend: