Category: Design

Interface Quirks – Why do we need to confirm a action after I clicked the original?

Trying to unsubscribe from a email, clicking in the unsubscribe button opens a browser window where you need to enter your email and click Yes, unsubscribe me even after you clicked the original button. Do they think we changed our mind in the 2 seconds it takes to open the window. I would prefer the option to resubscribe, rather than wasting my time or trying to deter the action.


Microsoft builds HTML5 based demo of Windows Phone 7.5 – worth a look

You can check out via a Android or iOS based product at:



If you try via the desktop you get a unsupported message: (not sure why? I guess they want you to experience the touch concept…which is silly since I would think their main target would be users who don’t already have a Android or iOS based product.





I test drove it on the iPad in landscape mode and it tells you to flip it to portrait. This is done via CSS and can be tested as shown.


Flipped into portrait mode and got started, here’s some sample. Nicely done Microsoft.


Learning about HTML 5 – five additional features I forgot to mention #lrnchat

Two additional items which makes HTML 5 exciting are:


Forms – you’ll now be able to use built in functions to auto-check information and create sliders, controls or event auto calendars instead of creating from scratch in current implementations. Another great use will be for verifying a email address, instead of creating custom code their will be the built in ability to check to see if the field is formatted properly.


CSS3 – has some amazing new features and formats for embedding fonts to give you more control of the design as well as adding rounded corner buttons or objects so we don’t need to use several small graphics in the design to create the illusion of rounded corners.


Animation – using the new canvas format and javascript features there are plenty of new animated techniques that can be utilized with content, whether to reveal a part of a page or have a graphic appear on screen. This defer greatly in the current implementations of the latest browsers but as we move forward we’ll see more consistency within them.


Content Editable – this offers the ability for the user to easily edit content on screen and provides a easy way to view and edit. Check out the example at:


Drag & Drop – provides a easy way to create drag and drop interactions whether for exercises or manipulating content. Example at:


Learning & Social Media meets at weekly chats – Thursday nights 8.30pm – 10pm. @lrnchat

If you are free on Thursday nights from 8.30 – 10pm eastern, checkout the weekly chat where the moderator posts a question and everyone chimes in with input. The chats have taken place over the past 9 weeks and the logs are posted on their blog at: Great concept and way to learn from people in the field.

 Learn more at:


E3: Microsoft Project Natal – Look’s Amazing. Controller free interaction, voice control, 3d imaging and sensing emotions.

Microsoft demonstrates a new piece of hardware, shipping in 2010 (no official shipping date), looks amazing and introduces several innovative technologies to consumers. For a small investment you get a controller-free interface to basically use your body for interacting and diving into game play. You also get 3D imaging and voice control and from the demonstration this will have a incredible impact on game play and interacting with your tv.

Believe it or Not:

Sony demonstrates the PS3 Motion Controller.
